The 5 Greatest Things Ever Accomplished While High
#5 Francis Crick Discovers DNA Thanks to LSD
#4 Freud and Cocaine Invent Psychoanalysis
#3 A Coke Addict Makes a Coke-Flavored Cola and Calls it Coke
#2 Dock Ellis Trips His Way to a No-Hitter
#1 Moses Takes 'Shrooms, Shits Out Ten Commandments
Now, kiddies, hows about we discuss how all of this is glazed over (besides the Moses thing) in elementary school/middle school/high (rofl) school. Not to mention the correlation to early religion and drug use (it's common knowledge that people hopped up on goofballs back in the dark ages often saw "halos" aka light screwing with their pupils and walla! deity!).
That being said, I need to start delving into Dr. H.S. Thompson's work. Where do I start (besides Fear and Loathing)?