Sunday, November 30, 2008

Films everyone should see

One: Let the Right One In

Swedish vampire movie. It looks fantastic.

Two: Milk

The trailer made me cry.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Day of Giving Thanks

I am thankful for my neurotic family.
I am thankful for my friends.
I am thankful for my health, my job, and my life.

Most of all, I am thankful that in the past year my life has been at the highest I've ever known and the lowest and ultimately I've learned that NOTHING is the end of the world. Shit happens. You move on.

Now, I am going to get out of my food coma, drink some champagne with my Mom, and talk about BOYYYYYYYYYYS. I've decided for Christmas I'm going to ask for DAVID TENNANT, of which I am ALSO thankful for. Even if the rat-bastard is leaving the Tardis.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Who doesn't do whack ass shit in the name of trying to find'the one'? Eh. I tried. It was just really nice for once to have a really attractive guy find me really attractive.

Well, such is life. I'm an adult. I deal.


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Holy fracking mackerel.

History just happened.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Brain dump

I don't like thinking about
-Taking the MAT's/GRE's.
-Really getting on top of my eating habits. I did so well this summer and then well, got back into my crappy relationship. Eugh. Damn it.
-What I'm going to do with my life. Yes, I have a plan, but oddly enough, plans never really work.

Regardless, in the next few months I have a ton of work I need to do. My volunteering needs to be kicked up, I need to read more, write more, study more, make more friends, etc.

MAT's need to be taken in January. Early January. Letters of recommendation, the same. I need to get in touch with the Emergency Director for the Red Cross, like tomorrow. I need to stop fucking around, lying to myself, doubting my abilities or my intelligence. The only times I feel slightly less intelligent than I know I am is when I'm around people who are gifted in areas that I'm not familiar with/know nothing about. Ok, big deal, you learn.

Looking back on my behavior my senior year of high school and even when I was applying to Millersville, how I did all of it without breaking a sweat is beyond me. I got into every school I applied to (some sort of karmic joke, I guess), I got into MU without a problem, got into my backup school (Temple) without a problem, etc. Now, I know I have to worry. I know my weaknesses. At this point, I'm making up for lost time.

Last but not least, I should stop beating myself up. On that note, walk more, work hard, play harder, enjoy.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


I met a young lady who works in porn. WOMEN FRIENDLY PORN, AT THAT! How exciting, especially since I'm the last girl, ever, to watch porn.

Yep. For all of my raging perversions (of which I am finding out now ain't shit!) I've never watched porn.

Here is her website. There is zombie porn listed as one of her recent reviews (J.D. Bauchery). Again, HOW NEAT!

On that note, I'm going to go find pants, pay my late rent, and then find some very strong coffee.