Friday, October 3, 2008

I did not kill Amanda Palmer

The album, "Who Killed Amanda Palmer" came out and it is amazing. Oh, the best part? The book that accompanies the album features Neil Gaiman and local Philly photographer, Kyle Cassidy.

Seeing Neil the other day was one of those, "I am delusional fan-girl but this is lovely." moments. There is nothing I can say at this point to adequately describe how wonderful it was, so here is a link to his site, where you can view the videos of him reading from his new book, which is lovely, to say the least. It's on my nightstand right now, on top of poor Salman Rushdie's "The Satantic Verses" and Watchmen. Big pile of nerdery. I'm getting as much "not work" reading in as possible these days. There will be another blog, soon, about the impending disaster that is my work + internship + grad school applying (MAT/GRE studyin', then takin'). The equation will remain incomplete for the time being.

Fin. Time to finish my laundry, get dinner, and then EXHUMED! Tonight I get the pleasure of seeing Halloween 2 and Eaten Alive, ON TEH BIG SCREEN.

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